What is the “lymphatic system“? How is it important to the body?
Lymph is one of the components in the body that many long-time acquaintance
But very few people know at UFABET. That what is lymph And how does it function in the body? Hello, the doctor will introduce everyone to lymphatic system Another important system in the body that should not be overlooked.
What is the lymphatic system?
The lymphatic system is the network of tissues, blood vessels, and organs in the body. To circulate the colorless fluid call lymph back into the circulatory system. Lymph will circulate throughout the body. similar to blood flow
The main functions of the lymphatic system are as follows:
- maintain the balance of water levels in the body By accumulating excess water that flows from cells and tissues throughout the body. and then returned back into the bloodstream
- Absorb fat and fat-soluble vitamins located in the gastrointestinal tract and then returned back into the bloodstream
- Protect the body from germs and foreign matter. by the production of lymphocyte type white blood cells (Lymphocyte) and other immune cells That helps eliminate foreign matter that enters the body such as bacteria. or viruses, etc., to transport and eliminate abnormal cells from the lymph components of the lymphatic system
Lymph components
The lymphatic system is a complex network. which consists of many parts, including
- lymph
Lymph is excess fluid that flows from various cells and tissues in the body and combines with other substances such as proteins, minerals, and lipids. Lymph cells transport white blood cells to different parts of the body to help protect the body from pathogens. and infection
- lymph nodes
pea-like glands Serves to observe and filter out damaged and cancer cells from the lymph. It also produces and stores lymphocytes. and other immune cells that attack and eliminate foreign substances that are harmful to the body
In our body, there are about 600 lymph nodes scattered at various points throughout the body and when the body is infected. Lymph nodes often respond by swelling up. because there is an accumulation of white blood cells bacteria and other microorganisms located in the lymph nodes
- Lymphatic ducts
Lymphatic vessels are a network of ducts. Which serves to transport lymph to various tissues in the body, the lymphatic vessels will then collect excess lymph cells and cells. before being filtered to the lymph nodes Lymphatic vessels work similarly to blood vessels. But the pressure in the lymphatic vessels is much lower. And there is a valve to turn it off. to help the lymph flow in the same way
- collection pipe
Collecting ducts are the tubes that connect the lymphatic vessels to the veins. Serves to send lymph back into the bloodstream. to keep the volume and pressure of blood at normal levels It also prevents excessive water accumulation in the tissues.
In addition, another component of the lymphatic system is the lymph organs. which is the central organ in the production of cells that help resist foreign matter and pathogens The lymph organs are
- lymph nodes
- Thymus Gland
- tonsils (tonsils)
- Spleen (Spleen)
- marrow
Other organs, such as the heart, lungs, intestines, liver and skin, are also part of the lymphatic tissue.
common lymphatic system diseases
- Lymphoma
Lymphoma refers to cancer that occurs in the lymph nodes. This causes the white blood cells to grow and multiply too much uncontrollably. There are different types of lymphoma, such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma. and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
- lymph node inflammation
when the lymph nodes are infected It often causes the lymph nodes to become inflamed and swollen. The most common infection that causes swollen lymph nodes is strep throat Mononucleosis (Mononucleosis) HIV infection. and skin infections
- Lymphedema
If the lymphatic system is not functioning properly, for example, there is a blockage in the lymphatic vessels It will cause the accumulation of lymph. Until the swelling is called lymphedema. This blockage of the lymphatic ducts may occur as a result of surgery. radiation therapy or injury